The Romans And Their Addiction

In 70 AD the world’s most powerful civilization destroyed Jerusalem and demolished the Temple of Herod. No brick or stone was left untouched.

30 years later, in 100 AD the Roman strength had dramatically atrophied due to an excess of indulgence. Sexual excesses may have reduced human fertility to the extent that in 161, the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius enrolled slaves, gladiators, policemen and criminals to replenish his army.

By 192, the emperor Pertinax offered farms gratis (free of cost) to anyone who would till them. In 193, the government was openly speaking of a shortage of men. Historians would later report than the male population had been halved.

Only the barbarians and the Orientals were increasing in numbers. What caused this fall in population? The original Planned Parenthood organization was a byproduct of sexual addiction in the 2nd Century. Family limitation was first practiced by the educated classes, but by 100 AD, it had reached the agricultural classes.

History has shown that the more affluent a society becomes, the more it becomes obsessed with pleasure. In the animal world, interventions, which interfere with the ability of a species to reproduce, select that species for extinction.

Quoting Will Durant in volume 3 of his ten-volume The Story of Civilization, we discover that

moral and esthetic standards were lowered by the magnetism of the mass: and sex ran riot in freedom while political liberty decayed.”

Soren Kierkegaard said: “Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.” In other words, when pleasure is the objective, pleasure is missed.

Sadly, we are following suit today. In selling pornography as a harmless recreational pastime, unrestrained sexuality is trumped by society as freedom of expression between consenting adults.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

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