The Purpose of Communication

The Purpose of Communication

These are excerpts taken from our missionary training class on Sunday, June 7, 2009

The primary purpose of communication is to understand.  This is the same concept that teaches it’s not who is right but what is right. 

Most people communicate by seeking for agreement.  This is the concept of who is right and not what is right.

Think about the last conversation you had with someone over something that you didn’t agree on.  What position did you come from, trying to get him to agree with you or did you first seek to understand his point of view?



During the war in heaven, Lucifer sought for agreement with his plan.

There is a difference between conflict and contention.  Conflict is a difference of opinion.  Conflict is another way of saying friction, resistance, or gravity. 

Companions both have the same goal of preaching the gospel to as many people as will listen and you both desire to baptize as many as possible.

Lifting weights is conflict; your muscles are going against gravity.  Thinking is conflict; it requires effort to push through the noise and influences of the world to enter deep thought.



Conflict:  you want to track in the north end of the city and your companion wants to track in the south end.  You have conflict.

Without conflict there is no growth.



“If two people are in business together and they never disagree, one is unnecessary.”

Great marriages are made up of constant conflict.  That’s why it’s called conflict resolution.

Contention is of the devil.  Contention is making the argument personal.  

Your mother wears army boots.  You’re stupid.  Your husband has a felony record.  You got your way last time, it’s my turn.

In other words, the comment has nothing to do with the conflict; it is contentious and prevents growth.

Contention is any action that prevents growth: name-calling and avoidance behavior are both contentious.



Lucifer sought for agreement in the war in heaven.  He wanted all to come down to earth and avoid any conflict because of the risk.  Therefore, his plan avoided conflict.  There would be no growth, no going against gravity, and no resistance.

His plan was contentious against the Lord.  He didn’t want the same thing.  The Lord wanted all to earn exaltation and benefit from the growth process. This is called joy.

Lucifer wanted all the glory and was not honest in his method, because if his plan were followed nobody would have returned to the presence of the Father, for nobody would have grown.

Politics today is all about contention.  Our government is all about agreement.  Both points of view are out of harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Lucifer never attempts to understand.  He is a master at who is right and he is an expert at fostering contention.


Missionary work is about

·               Understanding your investigator.

·               What is right: the absolute truth also known as the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

·               Resolving the conflict between the natural man

·               Having your will swallowed up in the will of the Father.



Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.