Conflict is to be resolved…

Conflict is to be resolved.

Contention is of the devil.

Disputation, debates, dissensions, arguments, controversies, quarrels, and strife or contention of any sort have no part in the gospel; they are of the devil. The gospel is one of peace, harmony, unity, and agreement. In it argument and debate are supplanted by discussion and study. Those who have the Spirit do not hang doggedly to a point of doctrine or philosophy for no other reason than to come off victorious in a disagreement. “Cease to contend one with another,” the Lord has commanded (D&C 136:23; Titus 3:9). Bruce R. McConkie. Mormon Doctrine, pgs. 160-161)

Conflict vs. Contention

What Is The Difference Between Conflict And Contention

The very comparison of these words creates both conflict and contention. In many heart breaking coaching discussions, I’ve learned that having a clear understanding of these two contrasting words can bring peace of mind and warmth of heart to a relationship. But only when properly and harmoniously understood.


Conflict is sharing the same end result but seeing a different path. Contention is fight or flight, violence or silence. It is blocked progress and the attention is on who is right at the expense of what is right.

The Purpose of Communication

The Purpose of Communication

These are excerpts taken from our missionary training class on Sunday, June 7, 2009

The primary purpose of communication is to understand.  This is the same concept that teaches it’s not who is right but what is right. 

Most people communicate by seeking for agreement.  This is the concept of who is right and not what is right.

Think about the last conversation you had with someone over something that you didn’t agree on.  What position did you come from, trying to get him to agree with you or did you first seek to understand his point of view?