What Repentance is Not

Perhaps an understanding of what repentance is not would help us gain clarity on this 1st principle of the gospel.

Repentance is not:

  • Suffering
  • Punishment
  • Confession
  • Remorse
  • Sorrow

These feelings may accompany repentance, but they are not repentance.

Quoting Elder Burton: “As a General Authority, I have prepared information for the First Presidency to use in considering applications to readmit repentant transgressors into the Church and to restore priesthood and temple blessings. Many times a Bishop will write, I feel he has suffered enough!” Elder Burton continues,

“But suffering is not repentance.”


The Complete Meaning Of Repentance

In church we learn the 4 Rs of repentance:

1. Recognition. We must recognize what we have done wrong.

2. Remorse. We must feel godly sorrow for our mistakes.

3. Restitution. We must try to restore what has been lost as a result of our transgressions.

4. Resolve. We must resolve never to commit the sin again.

The Book of Mormon teaches us at least 66 Rs: