In the World or Of the World

We’ve been commanded to be in the world and not of the world.  Yet sometimes being in the world means we blend in and take a neutral position between good and evil.  There are plenty of people around to teach us how to blend in.  They can teach you how to avoid detraction in public, in society, what to wear or what not to wear.  What to believe and what not to believe.  How to believe, who to believe, and when to believe.  It’s the security of evil that renders neutrality an opposition to God.

There are those who teach that tolerance is acceptance and affirmation of such action.  Tolerance is allowing people to believe as they wish as long as they behave in accordance with law.  This is not the same as acceptance.  And when they behave outside the law, blending in is a way of accepting and enabling.  When we as a whole blend in, they think their behavior is acceptable, not just tolerated.

Standing out is more difficult.  There are two ways to stand out:

First you can be a jerk or a fool.  This is not the recommended method.

Second, you can make certain choices that put put in a special category of people.  You stand out because you stand for something, you believe something and walk the talk.  It’s not your clothing or your car or your toys, it’s your actions, your ethics, your spirit.  Your different and people notice it because your light is on the hill and on top of the basket.

We have been sent to earth to stand out, stand up, and stand tall for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The teachings of man would have us blend in, sit down, remain quiet, not stir, and accept those who fight against Zion.  Once you’ve heard the gospel and felt the whisperings of the still small voice, it’s impossible to remain on neutral ground.

We have already chosen and we can’t go back.

Do our actions indicate a choice to fit in or stand out?

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

3 thoughts on “In the World or Of the World”

  1. This also reminds me of the concept that if we want something different, than we need to do something different.

  2. I truly know what you mean about just blending in, so you don’t rattle any cages. I work with a large population of gay and lesbians here at 911. They ALL have an opinion about he civil marriage issue going on. They all know I’m LDS and some are kinder than others about voices their dislike for the stance the church has taken. Their are a few who confront me, in an attempt to just get a reaction, and then there are those who truly just want to discus the issue. It’s funny, the individuals who actually want to listen, go away with little bit of an understanding of our side of view. And instead of spewing the political mumbo jumbo out there…the light kinda turns on..and they see that we also have rights, to stand for what we belive.

    I’ve also learned that there is a time and place to stand and voice your beliefs, and a time and place to be quiet and listen and watch.

    I Never fail to let them know where I stand…but casting your pearls amongst swine, does NO good either. Some times silence is as strong as any opinion!

    Thanks Rick for your article.

    Love ya,


  3. There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance. The militant faction of the gay movement only wants agreement.

    Their version of agreement is that everyone allows the movement to believe and behave any way they wish. This comes at the expense of individuals that do not agree with them.

    A religious person who doesn’t believe a gay relationship is ordained of God and that a marriage is between a man and a woman has no right to believe this way according to the militants. Else why would they act in such a harmful fashion toward people who supplied money and time to Proposition 8?

    The very foundation on which this country was formed was freedom to worship and believe without threat of reprisal. There are laws set up to handle opposition. Name calling and threats against persons means the argument didn’t hold water and violent measures are now needed.

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