Exit Interviews April – July 2011

I have the disctinct pleasure and honor to say good-bye to a number of full-time missionaries who serve in the Tacoma, WA Mission on a regular basis. They come to my office and we discuss the Rules of Engagement for dating and marriage.


Each set of missionaries brings a great spirit to our section of the Lord’s vineyard.

After our interview, they are better prepared to return and search for eternal companions.

Their interview is a short lesson on “Dating Above The Belt: How To Develop Emotional Intimacy”






The discussion can be lively, intense, embarrassing, and enlightening.

The skills learned on their mission will play a significant role in their probability for happiness within the bonds of marriage.

The Lord’s system only works when we follow it.





Some missionaries have been observed to get tickets to the discussion twice. The resulting testimonials seem to be that the second time through is richer and deeper. More of the discussion makes sense. This is not to advocate an automatic invitation for a two-peat exit interview process. I’m just saying that the more you study the material, the more sense it makes.


For some of you, I’ll see you in August for our annual Gospel Knols discussion at my brother’s house.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.