
The anti-thesis to addiction is devotion. Devotion is a profound dedication or worship. It is moving toward the light of Christ. It is a healthy relationship between the devotee and the person or principle of devotion.

Addiction and devotion cannot reside in the same space. If you are addicted in one area, you cannot be devoted in the same area. As a result, consider the following conflicts presented with addictive behavior.

  • You cannot be devoted to a strong physical body and the Word of Wisdom while being addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or compulsive eating.
  • You cannot be devoted to peace, reverence, and the whisperings of the still small voice when you are addicted to rage and anger.
  • You cannot be devoted to scripture study and the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost while being addicted to TV, Movies, Gaming, and the Internet.
  • You cannot be devoted to financial independence, honesty, integrity and eternal interdependence with God while being addicted to gambling.
  • You cannot be devoted to eternal marriage and specifically your spouse while addicted to pornography and sex.

Finally and rarely considered, you cannot be devoted to your family while addicted to:

  • Yelling at your children and spouse
  • Leveraging silence upon loved ones because you can’t handle conflict
  • Playing the role of a victim while villainizing all those who allegedly hinder your ability to function successfully in your role as a parent, spouse, or in your church calling.
  • Being habitually offended.

It is impossible to be devoted to intimacy with God and your spouse while your are addicted to anything.

A person who is an addict is not a bad person. The actions are harmful and sinful, but the addict that still retains a conscience, abhors the process. He wants out of the never-ending circle of pain. He doesn’t want to act this way, but he is powerless to change without the proper help.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

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