Who has seen the full History of the World?

Isaiah is not the first person to be given access to the prophetic future of the world. Adam saw the history of the world but we don’t have his record. Enoch saw it too, however, he only described the highlights such as the Great Flood, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the 2nd coming of Christ[1]. After the Tower of Babel, the Brother of Jared (Mahonri-Moriancumer) saw the history of the world from the creation to the end of the millennium, but that record is sealed along with the remaining part of the Nephite record[2].

The only prophet allowed to record and disseminate anywhere near the amount of data concerning the future, as Isaiah was Nephi, the son of Lehi. Excluding Nephi, Isaiah recorded more historical highlights of the future than almost all other prophets combined[3].

[1] Moses 7:48-59.

[2] Ether 4:4-7; 3:25-28.

[3] Skousen, The Fourth Thousand Years, pg. 428.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

8 thoughts on “Who has seen the full History of the World?”

  1. The reason I suggest or ask if Moses was given access to the full history of the world is he was shown the creations, I wonder if these go hand in hand with history of the world visons?

  2. Additionally, was Abraham also given this access? He had access to the mysteries of God to a high degree. He taught the Egyptians using Astronomy and had many revelations concerning the creations (See Abr. 3).

  3. Good follow up on this topic. As I understand it, the major prophets were given access to the history of the world, but few were permitted to share it in writing as Isaiah and Nephi.

  4. I believe Moses was, he just wasn’t permitted to write about what he saw, is what Dad is saying.

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