The Hole Of Scriptural Ignorance

My dear friend, Dr. J. Holland regularly sends me his talks. He is a High Counselor in the Los Angeles area. As I read the text the following paragraph jumped out and socked me between the eyes.

When I was called to serve a full time mission it was long before the bar had been raised. I remember that I entered the mission field having never read the Book of Mormon, the Bible or any other book for that matter; other than a couple of small books from school assignments. I realized right away that I had some catching up to do. We were assigned to study two hours per day. I read and studied more than twelve hours a day. I read as we walked, rode the train or bus, knocked on doors. I read most of my waking moments in an attempt to dig myself out of the hole of scriptural ignorance that I had buried myself in during my youth.”

Brother Holland is a primary source of intelligence and knowledge to all he comes in contact with, not because he seeks agreement of others, but because he has sought to understand the greatest of all teachers: Jesus Christ.

His countenance is filled with the spirit and people flock to his side to be healed physically and spiritually. His opinions are in demand because he seeks first to understand without a concern for agreement. He knows that IF agreement comes, it’s after understanding is established.

When conducting missionary work, teaching a lesson, communicating with a loved one, or parenting a child, seek first to understand. Find out what they are thinking before your opinions cloud the discussion.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

One thought on “The Hole Of Scriptural Ignorance”

  1. Interesting perspective on an interesting subject. I appreciate that you have inspired me to the realization that that data base of truth, knowledge and understanding will sustain me through out my life. I am grateful for the truths that I do know nad desire to know many more truths.

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