Power vs. Control Updated

My new book: Listen & Lead: The Micro Skills of a Leader is arriving by mail today. Last night I updated this blog from a year ago because my son Scott’s Mission President is asking questions about Ted and Ting and my book. The Micro Skills of being a leader or a sales professional are identical with being an effective missionary. This is a gospel introduction to the principles taught in my book. 

Here are two chapters from the book to sample. If you want to order it, click here. Tomorrow is the final day for preorders at a discount ($5.00 off).

Being Right vs. Being InteresTED

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are of the opinion and testimony that there are absolute truths in the world. For example, God exists and Jesus is His Son. Most parents feel the responsibility to share said truths with their offspring.

As a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ, you believe one of those absolute truths is the restored gospel.

As a parent of a 17 year-old teenager, you believe an absolute truth is to avoid premarital sex, or drugs, or alcohol or any number of harmful activities and behaviors.