Body and conclusion – Part 2

(His talk continues: in the last post, he transitioned from the introduction to the body. The audience has seen the doctrine presented in three different ways, two stories and a quote from an apostle.)

Sometimes people feel like they are going to do what they are going to do and say what they are going to say regardless of the place that they are in. This can be a huge mistake. Especially when it comes to dealing with sacred things.

(Notice how he explained the behavior without telling the audience what to do.)

A Classic Introduction – Part 1

My good friend John Holland sends me his talks regularly. He is a High Counselor in Southern California. We have shared our gospel knols with each other since high school. Here is an example of a sticky intro. Notice he gives no mention of his topic or the grinding details of what he went through to prepare or how he didn’t prepare etc.

A Sense of the Sacred

John Holland
Walnut park ward
June 26, 2011