The Alpha and Omega of Faith

The first principle of the Gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How simple a statement, yet how profound a doctrine.

According the Joseph Smith we define faith as “the first princple in revealed religion, and the foundation of all righteousness. Faith…is the first great governing principle which has power, dominion, and authority over all things; by it they exist, by it they are upheld, by it they are changed, or by it they remain, agreeable to the will of God.” (Lectures on Faith 1:1, 22-24)

Control vs. Power

When teaching the gospel, he who asks the questions is in control. She who is being questioned has the power. This allows the Holy Ghost to work in harmony with the missionary (teacher). The Holy Ghost will do the heavy lifting when you, as the teacher, give permission to the investigator to think and express an opinion without fear of judgment.

Think about the last time you met a persuasive salesperson or missionary. Did you have permission to say no? Were your opinions, thoughts, and desires truly sought? Were they considered and honored? If no, did you feel trust towards that person?

Power in Pre Mortal Life

In the pre mortal existence, there was a plan put forward that would save all mankind contingent upon obedience. Every person would be saved by the power of the Atonement. Blessings and happiness were predicated upon obedience and the saving ordinances, which justified our positions, were performed by the power of the priesthood.