An Adulterous Woman and Her Men

John 8 recounts a most interesting story. Jesus is on the Mt. of Olives, perhaps in or near the Garden of Gethsemane. Early in the morning He went unto the temple and scribes and Pharisees brought a woman before him taken in adultery.

They set her in the midst and claimed to have taken the woman in the very act. Now what does that mean? Where is the man? They quote Moses as to her penalty. She is to be stoned, and in a pitiful attempt, the wisdom of the natural man tempts God,

What sayest thou?” they ask of the Savior.

Pearls Before Swine

Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. (2 Nephi 32:3)

Angels =

  • Spirit messengers sent from the presence of God
  • Translated beings
  • Resurrected beings
  • Special witnesses to the Savior
  • Priesthood leaders & Teachers
  • Auxiliary leaders & Teachers
  • Sunday School/Primary Teachers
  • Visiting Teachers
  • Home Teachers
  • Parents
  • Missionaries

Setting Goals For Others

If you have a goal for another person, you’ve made yourself a victim.

Salespeople, missionaries, church leaders, and parents are often found in frustrating positions because they have set goals, made plans, and formulated expectations for other people without the proper permission being granted.

When you set a goal for someone else, you violate his or her trust and expose yourself to disappointment. It is often a result of perceiving that you know what is best for the other person. In such cases, the achievement of said goal is more important to you than to the person.

Exaltation Is About Change

Birth is a change from immortal to mortal. At death we lay our mortality down and enter the world of spirits preparatory to the resurrection where immortality is again ours, thus the saying from eternity to eternity.

The change that brings on eternal life must come by INVITATION and not MANDATE.

As missionaries we invite others to investigate by offering them features of the gospel. As members we invite our friends to share the gospel’s blessing by how we live and as parents we invite our children’s obedience by how we teach.

Missionary Blind Spots

I’m fascinated by the quick learning abilities of children when they play video games. Most recently my children received a Wii unit for Christmas. Before the day had expired Samuel, my 8-year-old son challenged me to a boxing match.

Finally, I thought, something electronic at which I can beat my children. I have formal training in the martial arts and can certainly move my hands quicker than my 8-year-old boy. The results? I didn’t make it past the first round. Sam KO’d me.

Making a Street Offer

What is a street offer? For a missionary it is initiating contact with a potential investigator. It is identifying if the gentleman walking across the street wants to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, or not.

For a member of the church, it’s being asked what church you attend or a general question about your membership.

An offer means you are offering another person the opportunity to have something. For example, if I were a Chiropractor I would answer the question about what I do for a living as follows:

A Favor, A Present, A Gift

What is a favor? A favor is…

  • Something you do for someone expecting a return of equal or greater value
    • Hence the saying: return the favor.
  • A favorable word in behalf of someone else.
  • A letter of recommendation you write for someone
  • A kind deed that helps someone else get something or avoid something

What is a present? A present is…

  • A wrapped surprise given under obligation or in expectation
    • Birthday present
    • Easter present
    • Valentine’s present
    • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day present
    • Christmas present
  • Something that usually costs money

To Persuade

When teaching the gospel or conversing with a friend, a position of neutrality is the most powerful position from which to converse. Neutrality offers you the best chance of conversing in a space of trust and respect.

Persuading has two distinct meanings in the bible. If you wish to persuade in the proper sense, neutrality is the most effective way. It is building confidence and trust.

However, persuading in the wrong way doesn’t require neutrality. In fact, being neutral is not a concern, because deception is the operative point of view.

Here is how Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines persuade.

Situation: Inactive Members

May 24, 2010

Situation sent from Elder Owens:

You are visiting an inactive couple that is fun to talk with. They are interested in your life before becoming a missionary. They shower you with lots of positive judgments like “Oh cool!” Or “we love to bike.”

After visiting in the ‘zero conflict‘ zone for a few minutes you change the subject to the gospel and their commitment or lack thereof.

The tenor of the conversation turns from warm and receptive to cool and evasive.

Now what?

Let’s take inventory of our position and our purpose:

Teaching Tips: Going from Good to Great

Helpful Hints to Teachers Who Want to go from Good to Great

What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity. Change accelerates when people understand — in specific, behavioral terms — how to reach their goals.
a. Great teachers are comfortable with resistance and can pin point the difference between being obstinate and a lack of clarity.
b. When people get it, and they want it, great change can occur.
c. The best space in teaching is getting it.
d. Having the spirit of understanding promotes having the spirit.